Wednesday, December 5, 2012

6 year old Brayan

Hi, I have to share the news about Brayan, the 6 year old boy who appeared at our medical clinic in San Antonio. He had a very worried father who had spent several days and all his money at the hospital trying to find out what was the matter with his son. The U.S. medical group who had a pediatrician with him, took a look and thought it looked like lymphona.
Mayan Families put the story about Brayan on the website and on this blog.  Dave Patterson and a few others sent us money to be able to send him in for an evaluacion.  It was diagnosed as Hodgkins Lymphona.  Dave and his family decided to do whatever was needed to help Brayan . His parents do not speak much Spanish.  They needed transportation , a translator and  economic support for food, lodging and medicine.
Brayan was very brave during all the treatment, but he did not like losing his hair.
After many months of treatment we have finally received the wonderful news that Brayan is now cancer free!!!!
He will need to continue to go along to monthly check ups in the city.
What an amazing Christmas gift for this family!
Thank you so much for everyone who was able to collaborate with the help for Brayan and especially, thank you to Dave Patterson and his family...who without their generosity and their kind hearts the future may have been very different for Brayan and his family.
with deep gratitude,

Sharon Smart-Poage
a registered 501.(c).(3) Non Profit Charity

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