These are gifts that their sponsors have sent to them to make their lives a little easier.
Jorge (student #1223) and his mother were thrilled to receive a table and chairs from their sponsors, the Hartz family.
This family did not have a table or chairs to sit on and this gift will make such a difference in their lives. The tables and chairs are all handmade by men who work at home , they then bring the tables and chairs to sell at the Solola market , on Tuesdays and Fridays. They usually carry these tables and chairs on their backs to the market. Julio , who works for Mayan Families goes to the market every Tuesday to purchase these goods. The goods are then brought back to the Mayan Families compound and the family is notified to come and collect their items. We do not deliver to the homes except in unusual situations. This is done to protect the family's privacy.
A gift like this not only is wonderful to the family who receives it but it also provides an income for the family that is producing it.
Melvin's family had water connected but could not afford to buy a pila. It is not only the cost of buying the pila , but it is also paying the transportation of a pila. They are very heavy and need at least four strong men to be able to move it.
The pila is used for washing dishes, washing clothes, families use them to bathe from.
What wonderful work you are doing! I am so impressed... God bless all the people giving and receiving through this wonderful group you have here. Hope to learn more. Yours, Catherine Todd