Monday, February 20, 2012

Group building a house in Guatemala

Today, Mayan Families has a group who has arrived to build a house for a family of three, an elderly grandmother, a single mother and a teenage daughter. This family has been struggling for so many years to be able to have a home to live in. They have been evicted several times because they do not have sufficient money to pay the rent. Unfortunately, the grandmother was hit by a truck in a very slow moving accident..... but has been injured. The driver who hit her on Friday , went with her to the local health center where the doctor said that she was o.k. just bruised.. but they had no ultra sound or x ray machines to do a more thorough investigation. 
The driver paid the grand total of $12 for pain medicine and left.

The grandmother has taken a turn for the worse and is now in the hospital with hip pains. We do not have any more news of her right now but thank goodness that they will have a home to live in when the grandmother is released.   The family will now be in worse situation because they do not have the money for the medical care needed for the grandmother. 

We are so thankful to this group to come and construct a home for this family this week.

The grandmother is part of our Elderly Program and quite often the food that we have delivered to her home she has shared between the three of them.

We are trying something new with this group.
We are building the house in one week so that they will be able to turn the keys over to the family on Saturday.
We have had a small crew dig the foundations and build the walls up a to about knee high level but the group will be doing the rest of the work.
So it will be a lot of work to get it done in one week but this group is very motivated and I think that they will do it.
We have actually built this house strong enough so that we can put a second floor on it so that we will eventually be able to have another family live upstairs.  We have so many single mothers in need ..and we already have a waiting list.

This house is being built on the property that Mayan Families owns. The houses are for families in distress or families that it is just impossible for them to pay the rent and survive.....we have three houses on this piece of very small property. We have been offered two small pieces that are adjoining for the sum of $7,000....we do not have the money to purchase this property but would love to be able to get it and build at least another four houses on it for families in need.

If anyone is interested in more information , please contact me.

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