Marly and Marta
Leonel Culan is 37 years old. On December 3rd while he was working as a builders assistant he fell 3 meters off a rock wall.
His life changed forever and he became a parapalegic.
Leonel is in the hospital in Solola.
He is depressed about his own situation and terribly worried about how his family will survive.
He lives in San Lucas Toliman and has seven children.
They are:
Claudia Estela is 14yrs old. She works as a domestic in a private house. She earns $15 US per month. She went to school till 3rd grade.
Vidalia Susana is 13yrs old. She stays at home helping the mother at home. She went to school till 2nd grade.
Mynor Leonel is 12yrs old. He went to school only till 1st grade. He has been working since helping the family. He is working cutting and picking coffee. He earns $5 US per week.
Luis is 11yrs old. He is in first grade.
Mayly is 5yrs old. She is in kindergarten.
Marta Elisa is 4yrs old.
Wilson David is 13 months old.
The mother is Marta Elisa , 33yrs old. She did not have the chance to go to school and does not know how to read or write.
She washes clothes by hand in private houses and earns $8 US per week when she can get the work.
The money that the family is now earning is not enough for them to cover their costs.
Often they have to go into the mountains and find herbs to eat. Their main diet now is tortillas with salt.
They own the house they live in. It is in very bad shape. They have one room made of cement block. They have one dilapidated kitchen made of tin ...photographed above.
They own the house they live in. It is in very bad shape. They have one room made of cement block. They have one dilapidated kitchen made of tin ...photographed above.
They pay $7 US per month for electricity.\
They do not have water connected and have to go to the lake to bring drinking water and wash their clothes.
They do not have water connected and have to go to the lake to bring drinking water and wash their clothes.
The lake is now suffering pollution and people are advised not to drink from it but this family cannot afford to buy drinking water.
They do not have an onil stove.
They cook over a wood burning stove.
They have two chairs.
They have one table.
They have two beds but it is a hard plank bed that does not have a mattress. The other bed is a wire base but they do not have any mattress . This is the one the children are sitting on.
The floor is dirt.
They do not have drainage.
They have not been able to afford to connect the water or to buy a pila, which is a 2 sided sink and an essential part of a Guatemalan household.
The father will be released from the hospital shortly and his situation is very desperate.
The father will be released from the hospital shortly and his situation is very desperate.
The family does not have enough to eat. The living conditions are very unsanitary.
They need beds, food, clothing, the floor needs cementing, they need the water connected and they need to have a water filter. The father will need medical support if he is going to be able to survive with the care that he will receive at home.
This family was living very hand to mouth before this accident but now their situation is very, very difficult.
If anyone can help with any of these needs for this family, it would be a huge blessing for them.