These small loans make a huge difference in the lives of these women.
The loans are paid back over a 10 month period.
Our micro finance program has been running for five years now and we are pleased to say that we have a 100% payback rate.
We currently have 222 women who have loans with Mayan Families.
The women borrow this money for a variety of reasons. To be able to buy thread wholesale for their weaving businesses, to be able to buy beads wholesale to make beaded jewelry, to buy material to be able to make aprons to sell, to buy chickens, to buy seed to plant, or to buy vegetables /fruit to sell at the market.
These small businesses are able to grow because of these loans. Many of these women are single mothers and having access to a loan like this gives them a chance to make a better life for their families.
To see all the women who received a loan this past week, please go to this link.
If you would like to donate a loan to a woman...please go to our webpage
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