Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Young Family

Hi, I want to let you know what has been happening with the young family.

First off, the young mother , who I thought was around 19 years old only 16 years old and she will be giving birth next month to her second child.
We have been making sure that they get three meals a day.
We have been supplying the baby with diapers and with clothing.
Thanks to a wonderful donation , the family was able to receive a bed....which makes it a lot better for them rather than sleeping on a cement floor.
They also are no longer homeless!!!!  They now live in a room....the room was empty but it now has a bed!!!
They will be receiving a small stove tomorrow so that they can now cook their own meals.
We will be , thanks to your donations, be able to give them food to take home to cook with.
We also have been able to find a very small part time job for the young man.  
Just a reminder - both these young people are orphans. The young mother was an only child...her mother passed away, her father had left when the mother was pregnant....and the extended family appears not to exist.
The young man, 22 years also an orphan now. His mother died earlier this year. His father died many years ago. He receives no help from his extended they really are alone in the world.
Also the young man is being sponsored to start carpentry classes.
So thanks to you ...this is one amazing group of people...this young couple and their very young child ...and unborn child....have a much better life right now and hopefully, they will be able to move ahead and get themselves on their feet.
with deep thanks,
Sharon Smart-Poage
a registered 501.(c).(3) Non Profit Charity

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