They are living in a mud brick room. It has no electricity, no running water, no stove and no toilet. They go out into the nearby bushes to relieve themselves. The landlord has given the mother 2 weeks to move out of the house. She is unemployed and the only work she can get is washing clothes by hand in private houses. She earns approx. $2 US per day.
Until recently, the family was sleeping on the cement floor with just two very thin blankets. A visiting group on a service trip ...."Families for Guatemala 09" bought this family a double bed. The family also had no food until the same group gave this family food for a few weeks.
Mayan Families has been sending meals to the mother since yesterday and will probably continue for the next week. Unfortunately, we are out of baby clothes and we could only provide her with three changes for the baby.
Felipe has to give Rodolfo , the 18 month old medicine at 11pm and She had no clock and no light to be able to see to give the medication. We gave her one of the hand held wind up flashlights that we were so fortunate to receive in the last Medrano shipment. We also gave her a small clock so that she would know what the time is to be able to give the medications correctly.
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