Because the software for this website won't allow the cards to uploaded here, all six cards are being hosted at a blog site run by three Mayan Families volunteers:
Scroll down to read about each of the cards available. Click here to see the complete cards and to download the file you'd like to print out!
General Holiday Card: This card can be used for any donation type or amount. To make a donation or to see the donation types available, go to the Mayan Families Donate Now page. Easy to Print General Card: This card can also be used for any donation type or amount, but will use less ink than the other general card. To make a donation or to see the donation types available, go to the Mayan Families Donate Now page.
Bed Donation Holiday Card: This card is specifically designed for a bed donation. A complete bed and mattress donation costs $170. To donate a bed, go to the Mayan FamiliesDonate Now page, enter the donation amount in the Other box, and in theExtra Details box specify “Bed donation — where most needed.” Or, choose a specific family in need of a bed from theFamily Aid Blog.
Holiday Tamale Basket Donation Card: This card is designed for holiday tamale basket donations specifically. A tamale basket provides enough food for a traditional Guatemalan Christmas feast for up to twelve people, and costs $35. To donate a tamale basket, go to the Mayan Families Donate Now page, enter your donation in theGeneral box, and write “General Tamale Basket Donation” in the Extra Notes section. You can also send a basket for a family specifically — read about families in need on the Family Aid Blog.
Water Filter Holiday Card: This card is specifically designed for water filter donations. A water filter donation costs $50. To donate, go to the Mayan Families Donate Now page, enter in your donation in the Other box, and write “Water Filter — where most needed” in the Extra Notes box. You can also choose a specific family to receive a filter from the Family Aid blog.
Stove Donation Holiday Card: This card is specifically designed for water filter donations. A water filter donation costs $50. To donate, go to the Mayan Families Donate Now page, enter in your donation in the Other box, and write “Water Filter — where most needed” in the Extra Notes box. You can also choose a specific family to receive a filter from the Family Aid blog.
These are what the covers for the individual cards will look like. To see inside the cards and to download the file that you would like to print out, click here.
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