Saturday, June 11, 2011

Margarita's Family is Going Hungry (FA145)

Hi Everyone,
Another Family Aid family needs help.

Margarita came to our office last week desperate to get some help for her family.

Her husband Roberto had his appendix removed a month ago and since them he has been having problems digesting food. They don't have money to go back to the doctor or to buy medicines for him.

They have 3 girls, Ana who is 9 and Jenifer who is 5 attend the primary school in Solola and Meidy is only 7 months old and stays home with her mom. Margarita is unable to work because she has to look after the baby. Ana and Jenifer love the school and want so badly to continue going, however the family is in no condition to buy clothes, school materials or pay the fees and if the girls don't get sponsored they will probably have to drop out of school before the end of the year.

To make things worse, the family had to borrow money to pay for Roberto's surgery and for their house expenses, since the only income they used to have was Roberto's salary. The electricity of their house was already cut because they were not able to pay for it and they don't have any means to buy food, they've been basically living on just tortillas and salt.

The family's most urgent need right now, is help with food and the costs of Roberto's treatment so he can go back to work.

It costs U$150 to provide food for this family for one month. Sending Roberto to a good private doctor will cost US $50.

If you are interested in helping the children continue in school, you can sponsor one of the two children in primary school for $180 per year. To do so, please go to Donate Now, and enter $180 in the 'Student Sponsorship' box, and the number of the student you would like to sponsor in the 'Student ID#' box. Ana is student #1922 and Jenifer is student #1923. You can also email for more information.

For more information on how to help this family, please visit:


Even if we can't sponsor these families or elderly in need, please consider spreading the word to all who may be interested in helping in some way.

Thank you!

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