Saturday, November 14, 2009


Yesterday this mother came hoping to receive clothes and shoes . I was helping to try and find baby clothes that would fit this baby. I thought it was about 9 months old....when I asked the mother and she told me that Baby Melisa was 18 months old, I was very surprised. Then we found out that she only weighs 14lb. Melisa has a lot of diahrea and stomach problems. But the family does not have enough money for food much of the time. The father works taking sand out of the river, one of the lowest paid jobs there is. Quite often when there are no sales for this sand, then there is no money at the end of the week. ( the sand is used for construction)

The mother said that do not have enough money to give Melisa milk and quite often she is eating only tortillas with salt, and sugar water in a bottle.

We have put Melisa on our Milk program . She will now receive a big bag of milk once a month.
But Melisa needs to be able to go to the doctor and have a check up.
We need $50 US to be able to send her to the doctor, do the tests and get her medication.
The family also needs help with food .
If anyone would like to help Melisa please contact us.

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