The women make two quilts during their 6 month classes. One is for them to take home and the other is to be given to Mayan Families. We sell these blankets for $20 US and all the funds go back to the sewing program to be able to help continue the classes.
These blankets are made of donated fabric. We are very grateful to the people who have helped us by carrying down sewing machines to donate to the program, fabrics for the women to use, all sorts of wonderful accessories, scissors, tapes, buttons, thread etc. All of it is very much appreciated.
These women are so proud of themselves. At the end of the course, they will receive a framed diploma. Most of these women have never been to school, they do not know how to read or write . Finishing a course and receiving a diploma is a very special occasion for them.
Where is the page where one would order a quilt?