Monday, June 14, 2010

Felipe and Maria in Panajachel, Guatemala.

Maria and Felipe and their 7 children are just one of the many, many families suffering the devastation of Tropical Storm Agatha.

While they were very fortunate not to lose their home or their possessions they are suffering a lot of from the aftermath. Felipe works in the river digging out sand that is then sold for construction. This is a very low paid job.

Due to the terrible damage to the river sides and the homes the Mayor has now suspended all licenses that enable men to work in the river taking out sand.

So Felipe is out of work, there is no money coming in. His wife, Maria and his elder children used to work with him in the river so now none of the family have work.

Felipe and Maria pay $84 US a month in rent. Right now, they don't have money for food, they don't have money for rent and they are scared that they will fall so far back in their rent that they will be evicted.

This family is very poor, they have lost four children to illnesses that they could not afford to seek treatment.

The also need tin sheeting for their roof. Their roof has lots of holes and is leaking badly this wet season.

If you would like to help this family with a small donation to help them pay their rent or have enough food, please go to our website, and make a donation through paypal. If you make a donation for them please quote the student number #465.

There are many, many more families just like these ones who are in need of help.

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